Training spamAssassin
To train your spam assassin, if lowering the filter does not quite work for you, you need todo the following: sa-learn --spam --showdots --dir /your/junk/directory/here sa-learn --ham --showdots --dir /normal/emails/dir/here
Physicist, data engineer working with data processing tools like spark and pandas. Contributor of @opendevstack I love to travel, so some posts might be about it.
To train your spam assassin, if lowering the filter does not quite work for you, you need todo the following: sa-learn --spam --showdots --dir /your/junk/directory/here sa-learn --ham --showdots --dir /normal/emails/dir/here
I just have finished installing Anchor, and here I leave some solutions to he couple issues I had faced and are not in the documentation. First of all, if at the install fase you get an SQL error, SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost&
Sometimes is a little bit tricky to install all python components from pip or apt-get in a Debian based system. And if we need the latest version, it is a total nightmare. So I will use anaconda to install everything for me. wget
Bitcoin is always fun when it goes up, but beware some times will fall. Don't invest on it unless you can handle the loss when you panic sell.
I find 3 finger drag option in OS X one of the best features you can have in a trackpad. It allows you to move windows and to select text in an easily manner. In previous versions it was under the trackpad menu, but now it has moved to Accessibility
One of the problems with os X python default software, despite the usage of pip, is the versions are mostly outdated. An the install through homebrew does not help at all. For example, in python 2.7.X the most updated panda’s package I could install was 0.16.
Cada cop els bancs estan apostant més per la informatització dels seus sistemes. Mitjançant la banca online et permeten fer la majoria d’operacions a través d’internet. Aquest és un fet bastant còmode, ho reconec, i tot i que moltes vegades el disseny d’aquestes aplicacions sembla que tingui
Using switchresX, os X can display resolutions bigger than 1080p through HDMI and DVI cables. If one have osx El Capitan, must first desactivate SIP ein order to create the custom resolutiom file. Settings from
Disclaimer _This post is not mine. It is only copied here as a backup. All the credit go to the creators of the content. You can find the original post here _ Thanks to Evan Miller []
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y unzip vim git-core curl wget build-essential zlib1g-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libbz2-dev libssl-dev libssl-doc zlib1g-dev libmemcachedutil2 Anem a instal·lar NGINX amb el mòdul Pagespeed: sudo apt-get install -y nginx wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -