Asciidoctor: the best way of writing technical presentations
If you write code and you are bored when someone mentions PowerPoint, this asciidoctor slide template is for you. Write code and get animations for free!
Physicist, data engineer working with data processing tools like spark and pandas. Contributor of @opendevstack I love to travel, so some posts might be about it.
If you write code and you are bored when someone mentions PowerPoint, this asciidoctor slide template is for you. Write code and get animations for free!
I've been a long time looking for an excuse to really use asciidoctor to build presentations. Now that I have the opportunities, I've been enjoying it like a child. For my memory, and for yoy, if you want to use it, here are my tips. This
Des de fa un parell de mesos he estat interessat en les dades del transport aeri, i he descobert tot un món d'aficionats (en el bon sentit) i apassionats per les dades. Sobretot, de les dades obertes en les que cada persona hi contribueix altruísticament. En voleu ser
It's sometimes difficult to access s3 files in Apache Spark if you don't use a prebuilt environment like Zepelin, Glue Notebooks, HUE, Databriks Notebooks or other alternatives. And googling around might get you half working solutions. But do not worry, I'll show you how
Using spark in an interactive way it's a bit cumbersome sometimes if you don't want to go to the good old terminal and you decide something like a jupyter notebook better suits you. Or you are doing a more complex analysis also. If that is the
This post aims to centralize the information on how to use your Nvidia GPUs on debian using WSL2 in order to train and run your AI/ML models.
In physics or biology you sometimes simulate processes in a 2 dimensional lattice, or discrete space. In those cases you usually compute some local interactions of "cells", and with that, calculate a result. An example of this could be the Ising model which was proposed in 1920 for
Some pictures taken in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. Use them as you please with only one restriction: if used in public (blog, presentation , news article...), cite me or this web/post. Can't be used to train AI/ML algorithms.
Fa uns quants anys haviem de mirar mapes o fins i tot preguntar a desconeguts (on s'ha vist!) per poder arribar a llocs nous o que no recordàvem on eren, i ara només hem de buscar el nom del lloc i automàticament ens diuen on és i quina
Some pictures taken in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. Use them as you please with only one restriction: if used in public (blog, presentation , news article...), cite me or this web/post. Can't be used to train AI/ML algorithms.
Recently the European Commission released their proposal for a regulation laying down harmonized rules on Artificial Intelligence. After a review, I've tried to summarize its contents and explain what is considered an AI system, its classification, measures and finally give my opinion on the proposal. Fist we need
Some pictures taken in La Gomera, Canary Islands. Use them as you please with only one restriction: if used in public (blog, presentation , news article...), cite me or this web/post. Can't be used to train AI/ML algorithms.